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Writer's pictureMarea Parson

I’m challenging Homeschool Moms to get more done!

Updated: Oct 23, 2022

WOW… "The Find Time & Get More Done” challenge is life changing!!


After 10 years of researching, experimenting and training, I’ve turned homeschool productivity into a science -- and I want to share everything I know with you in 5 simple steps.

Are you ready for a Homeschool Revival?

Bernice says...

"I’m looking forward to getting some rest in. I use to never have time! This is so true though. Just like money, unless we tell it where to go, it slips through our fingers. Taking charge of my time! 😜"


Lauren says...

" The best part were the videos and how they helped me get things in order. My children are already excited for school because instead of hounding them to get work done they didn’t want to, we worked together and found things that interests them and now they wake up excited.

I feel more at peace and refreshed knowing that my homeschool days are more organized and productive and I am getting more done because of that!"


Lutisha says...

"At the beginning of the challenge, I knew I needed help but didn't know where to start and the task seemed insurmountable! I have learned to break up tasks by focusing on the five most important things per week while writing out each step. I was relieved to discover the root of procrastinating with certain tasks and making time to complete them! We were asked to recreate a schedule including "Time with God, Rest, and Me Time." I have tasted the freedom that comes from structuring our day. My family enjoys focused time with me and are more willing to cooperate Thank you Marea for being willing to share your gifts! It was well worth the time, sweat, and tears to work through this challenge!


If you have been thinking about how to get everything done in your homeschool day  without the overwhelm, I hope you understand that it doesn’t have to be complicated (in fact, you most likely need to just simplify your to-do list.)

I’m a Homeschool Mompreneur, owner of "Recess and Results with Marea" & founder of Homeschool Revival. When I’m not homeschooling or working, I enjoy taking naps and rocking on the front porch chatting with my mom for hours! I like to bring people together and using my gifts & talents to run my business as a fitness instructor for kids & families. I'm living the life of my dreams!

✨ Discover how to organize your homeschool day so you can follow your passions & live the homeschool life of your dreams! ✨

The videos for this value-packed challenge are available online to view at your convenience for just $27.

During this fun, step-by-step 5-Day Challenge you will:

  • Re-organize your schedule so that it brings you joy

  • Relax & rely on routines

  • Reclaim your Me-Time to do the things you love

  • Re-focus on your purpose & passions

I’m challenging you to get more done! 

✅ If you ACCEPT, click here to get started now!

P.S. Send me your questions & assignments to discuss your progress!

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